calendar_today Joined March 2015
Making the @UN #GlobalGoals for Sustainable Development famous: to 🔚 poverty👊inequality👋🏾 & climate change by 2030. Teaching the GG through @TheWorldsLesson
Quality score: A+
Coordinated Followers: Processing...
Influence score: Processing...
Total Followers145.5k
Verified users2853
Over 100k0.40%
Over 50k0.72%
Over 10k2.67%
Over 1k16.94%
Over 10057.42%
Over 1084.98%
Under 1014.17%
0 follower users2.92%
Average Follower Count: 4,922.32
Verified users: 2.8k (1.96%)
Users over 100,000 followers: |
580 |
Users over 50,000 followers: |
1047 |
Users over 10,000 followers: |
3892 |
Users over 1,000 followers: |
24.6k |
Users over 100 followers: |
83.5k |
Users over 10 followers: |
123.6k |
Users over 100,000 followers: ..................... 580 (0.40%)
Users over 50,000 followers: ....................... 1k (0.72%)
Users over 10,000 followers: ....................... 3.8k (2.67%)
Users over 1,000 followers: ......................... 24.6k (16.94%)
Users over 100 followers: ............................ 83.5k (57.42%)
Users over 10 followers: ............................... 123.6k (84.98%)
How many 0 follower accounts: 4.2k (2.92%)
How many users under 10 followers: 20.6k (14.17%)