calendar_today Joined October 2008
The official Twitter account of Boston College, a premier, Jesuit Catholic university. #WeAreBC
Quality score: A
Coordinated Followers: Processing...
Influence score: 44/100
Total Followers76.5k
Verified users965
Over 100k0.24%
Over 50k0.44%
Over 10k1.62%
Over 1k9.55%
Over 10045.51%
Over 1078.53%
Under 1020.44%
0 follower users4.66%
Average Follower Count: 1,970.28
Verified users: 965 (1.26%)
Users over 100,000 followers: |
182 |
Users over 50,000 followers: |
333 |
Users over 10,000 followers: |
1242 |
Users over 1,000 followers: |
7.3k |
Users over 100 followers: |
34.8k |
Users over 10 followers: |
60.1k |
Users over 100,000 followers: ..................... 182 (0.24%)
Users over 50,000 followers: ....................... 333 (0.44%)
Users over 10,000 followers: ....................... 1.2k (1.62%)
Users over 1,000 followers: ......................... 7.3k (9.55%)
Users over 100 followers: ............................ 34.8k (45.51%)
Users over 10 followers: ............................... 60.1k (78.53%)
How many 0 follower accounts: 3.5k (4.66%)
How many users under 10 followers: 15.6k (20.44%)